Odds and Ends 2


As promised I am bringing in your midst the sights and colors of my migration.

opp La Plage

Speaking of migration, these are migratory birds, often a common sight during winter season. In case you were wondering where do the birds from your place go during the freezing winters well here are some of them. This shot was taken by Michael Jarabelo, 4 years ago at the back of my previous office in Jumeirah 3, Dubai.

It was a beautiful day then, but aren’t all days? hmmmm

Not to be out done, here’s a burst of color last winter in Vancouver,IMG_1549


I took this shot, its almost evening. Isn’t life glorious?


Life the tent ladies days, there are colors, represented by the untoward happenings to her life that made a surprising turn of events when she was crowned queen. Her grays turned into gold. Things happen for a reason. No one can explain why (I can definitely argue with you endlessly but I could never confirm nor can anyone does) it just the way the universe works. We can perceive and receive. The best advise “en garde” and don’t delve. Life is too short.




Odds and ends


This is a typical sunset in Dubai, very rare that doesn’t appear. Sunset could be from 5 – 7 pm only. For all seasons, by the way, the seasons there are hot and hotter remember? Predictable, short spanned, sunset times.

Now let’s talk about Canada, image

This is whistler in summer, thank you Michael Jarabelo, another great shot! It’s like a dream. The brilliant sunshine and amazing temp comes almost predictably between July to September, unless global warming starts challenging my statement, this is the time to enjoy.

Vancouver is indeed beautiful. I’ll be posting some more pictures in my next blogs, so stay tuned. Feel free to ask. I’ll be pleased to reply. Have a great weekend!



MD, Medical Doctor? Music Director? Message Digest? Modern Drummer? Madarina Duck? Marriage Degree? I could go on for the next 3 pages pondering on the meaning of md at the end of my blog name. This being my first blog, I let you decide which one you prefer. I dreamed of being a doctor once though fate has other plans for me. Pushed by responsibilities at a young age, I had to cope with life early. Lost my mom at a very young age, deserted by my father years later on (though he waited for me and my brother to finish school at least). Tried to win him with the step mom but lost that battle eventually. I am now left with the bittersweet memory of settling in the “as-long-as-he-is-happy” notion. I guess I am done. Moved to 2 countries, 14 years in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (now that is an exciting adventure, on the food and exotics alone I could talk for a year non-stop) and now in Canada for almost 2 years, here I am still trying to get as much exciting things to talk about and enjoying the journey so far. I was motivated by friends to start my blog and see how this goes. I was told I give good advice and not be judgmental about it (so true, I will even research it for you! I find it fun). To some, knowing stuff takes interests, to me, its a new fact, just get a glimpse of what it is and dive down further if it gets interesting. If it involves income, then hey, let’s roll out those sleeves and get to work. Evidently, that’s my sneak preview. See you next post.