Book blog


I have been contemplating on writing a book for a very long time. Right when I was 14 when I started a quick feedback of my storytelling skills and had asked my classmates what they thought of the story I made. I didnt know I just started my first feasibilty study.
I read and researched and well didnt really have the main objective to my book yet. But I have a lot of stories to tell. On this day I almost died last year. The miracle of surviving with just stitches and some scars are my only proof of being under a catastrophe and survived. I will detail that in Chapter 10.
Today is my miracle day. I thank God immensely of giving me another life, to breathe through it with a smile and count every day as a blessed day.
As for my book, I will kee you posted 😉

Believe you can and you’re halfway there. – Theodore Roosevelt


Hmmm, food for thought, quite a chunk. We always get inspirational quotes, motivational speeches and encouraging dialogues that moves us forward for whatever decision we have to make. Accepting a promotion, becoming a parent, getting married, that sort of life altering decision in life.

We need that, aware or not, that is one factor why we go ahead with a decision, when we get told to. I always had qualms, and most of the time my mind is made up but I just can’t go ahead sometimes, specially if it concerns other people’s welfare, I need an accomplice.


In my life, I always had my mentor, Pascale, she’s different from me like night and day, that was the first day I met her. She was my mentor, financial manager, for 10 years and had been the greatest motivator in my life. She never really told me what to do but she makes me ‘say’ what I want to do. She narrows everything down that made me select the best answer like a quiz. For the last 14 months I haven’t seen her yet as we are continents away. She made me believe and she made me who I am. She was and is the friend, adviser, boss, logical judge and french connoisseur, best I ever had. Thankful for the lessons given. The best advise she gave me was, I am great and I should believe I am. There is no better person who could think less or more of you than yourself.


Merci beaucoup Madame! Gros Bisous!



