Time for the Heart



The color is red, its everywhere! People bustling going about their joyful tasks. Everyone feels important and have a sense of giving an audacious deed. Love is everywhere, guess what we are having?

Gong Xi Fa Cai or Gong Hey Fat Choy! Happy Chinese New Year! Got you there didn’t I? I will dedicate a blog for that in the days to come but as for now I would like to give the heart the spotlight.
I mean the heart as the embodiment of love, not as the muscular organ keeping us alive. Going back to my rose colored glasses, where’s dinner going to be? Planning for flowers or nervously waiting for them? Hoping the hints we sent his way gave clear signals. Nevertheless a piece of advise to the expectant she-half, be glad with the greeting then you will be jubilant if there are more. To the not-so-romantic he-half, come on! Hallmark made billions on this day alone, make them one card richer today! Ir flowers, or dinner? Are you the practical one? Well then get a mutual fund, put it in her name and jot down projected interest. There is effort in the plan. Speaking of plan why don’t you get a couple shirt? Affordable, no hassle, unique, what else can you ask for?

And I mean now, there might be time for you yet 🙂 Happy Hearts Day!

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Picture references:
1) http://www.welcomechinese.com.cn/lunar-new-year-opens-travel-market-2015/
2) http://pictures2015.mobi/valentine-photos/
3) http://theniceidea.com/blog/2009/02/